O wartości pocieszenia. Lektura 'Radości życia' Emila Zoli

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Éléonore Reverzy


This study of The Bright Side of Life seeks to identify the values of consolation in a novel that claims to be “psychological”, using the notion of “care”. Its exemplary dimension and ethical purpose are based on the codes of honest literature, and feature a female character close to those of George Sand.


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Jak cytować
Reverzy, Éléonore. (2024). O wartości pocieszenia. Lektura ’Radości życia’ Emila Zoli. Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis | Studia Historicolitteraria, 24, 277–286. https://doi.org/10.24917/20811853.24.20


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