Malaquais, la floraison du temps
Hauptsächlicher Artikelinhalt
Malaquais (1908–1998) occupies an original place in the aesthetics of the « talking novel » in France. Instead of looking for simplicity to account for the social reality he knows, he seizes the language in all its richness, going so far as to refine it, to practice a form of skin-deep preciousness. The construction of his novels, the segmentation of a narrative which is played out and plays on all the registers express his internationalist conception of the world in a lyrical language that gives as much to feel as to see, reflects the revolt, translates emotions into incoherence. Like a Montaigne who sought by his style to approach the complexity of his time as much as possible, Malaquais will rewrite his works in the 1980s, pursuing his requirement for a constantly moving writing that follows the march of the world.
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