Pamiętnikarska relacja Wirydianny Fiszerowej jako cenne źródło historyczne
Hauptsächlicher Artikelinhalt
Memoirs of Wirydianna Fiszerowa as a valuable source of historical data
The purpose of this article is to present the work of Wirydianna Fiszerowa, entitled Dzieje moje własne i osób postronnych. Wiązanka spraw poważnych, ciekawych i błahych (Memoirs of myself and others. A mixture of serious, interesting and trivial matters). This incredible story of life in face of the constant threat of war and of living through several political upheavals, all intertwined with personal dramas of an 18th-century woman, makes Fiszerowa's diary unique in the context of Polish memoir writing. The correlation of history and individual experiences of Wirydianna Fiszerowa herself are inseparable elements forming the narrative space of her diary. Thanks to this, Fiszerowa's memoirs are a very important source of historical data, as well as a valuable collection of universal values for future readers. The connection between memoirs or autobiographical literature and history is another issue on which this study is focused. The author of this article aims to present that old literature plays a fundamental role in understanding history, and therefore aids in the interpretation of texts from remote epochs and different cultures.
Keywords: history; diary; memoir; autobiography; war; woman;
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