Powstanie Warszawskie i obóz Durchgangslager 121 w Pruszkowie widziane oczami wysiedlonych mieszkańców Warszawy i okolic. Doświadczenia indywidualne a współczesna pamięć społeczna
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Warsaw Uprising and Durchgangslager 121 in Pruszków as seen by deported citizens. Individual experiences vs contemporary public history
Warsaw Uprising 70th anniversary is a time to remember that the events which took place in 1944 should be considered in full context, without skipping any aspects. So far forgotten were the civilians of the Warsaw uprising and what happened to them; however their fate did not stop at the signing of capitulation. What people mainly remember from the Warsaw uprising is Durchgangslager 121 in Pruszków, the transition camp to which all the inhabitants of the burning capital city were sent. This paper presents and analyzes sample protocols, relationships, testimonies, memories and documented and archived diaries since August 1944 to today. The image emerging from them, even though the facts, people and events concur, isn’t a homogeneous one. It’s composed of many bits of memories - individual memories, collective memory, childhood memories, or the memories of the residents of particular neighborhoods in Warsaw. What characterizes these documents? When did they appear? What makes war narratives created over the period of 70 years different? How is the third generation’s contemporary collective memory being shaped? The attempt to answer these questions is the starting point for future large-scale interdisciplinary researches.
Key words: The Warsaw uprising; deportation of the people of Warsaw; transition camp Durchgangslager (Dulag) 121 in Pruszków; historical memory; war memories;
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