Czy wojna jest dla dzieci? O obrazach wojny w literaturze dla najmłodszych
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Is war suitable for children? Images of war in children’s literature
I drew on poetics of space by Gaston Bachelard to describe the reality of war from a child’s perspective. War stories for children were depicted in following books: Zaklęcie na “w” (The w-word spell) by Michał Rusinek, Asiunia by Joanna Papuzińska, Czy wojna jest dla dziewczyn? (Is war suitable for girls?) by Paweł Beręsewicz and Wszystkie moje mamy (All my moms) by Renata Piątkowska.
Happy places, where children can cower and find shelter are typical features of Bachelard’s poetics of space. During the war cellars served as bomb shelters and they were also the places where adults and children looked for a hideaway and safety. Another determiner of poetics of space is a small - big opposition which is carried out e.g. by setting a small child against an adult, a strong German. This opposition is connected with good - bad or white - black dialecticc.
The phenomenology of roundness is the next determiner of poetics of space and it is exhibited in children songs and games. Even during the war children desired to have ordinary and happy childhood without fear. Warm embrace of parents and storytelling are also very important. The phenomenology of the hidden is a final determiner of poetics of space and it is expressed e.g. as additional packets which people sewed to their clothes to smuggle food and medicine or as special boxes, which served to transporting children from ghetto. Illustrations are very important, because they supplement the text.
During the war children must face up to a new reality. Instead of parents’ love, there are harsh rules of war.
Key words: war; children; bombing; ghetto; German;
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