Literackość kazań księdza Janusza Stanisława Pasierba

Hauptsächlicher Artikelinhalt

Jerzy Sikora


Sermons of Reverend Janusz Stanisław Pasierb have a distinct literary character. This may be due to the fact that the preacher was both a poet and essayist. The first part of the paper contains a methodological reflection on literariness, with particular emphasis on the location of the sermon as a specific genre of expression in relation to other forms of literary expression. In the further part of the text, the style and composition of sermons of Reverend Pasierb and their relationship with the poetry of this author are examined. Also, homilies from the funerals of art people are presented - in these works Pasierb contained a particularly large literary component. Reverend Pasierb is fully aware of what the art of word is, including the preacher’s word. He works towards a greater linguistic reflection, drawing artistic attention to the style of preaching. His preaching, with a metaphysical depth and clearly eschatological perspective, and at the same time adding value to worldliness, often tends to an essay and meditation. We are dealing with the individualization of a preacher’s message and a partial remodelling of a typical preacher’s formula. 


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Sikora , J. . (2020). Literackość kazań księdza Janusza Stanisława Pasierba . Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis | Studia Historicolitteraria, 20, 402–413.
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