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As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration.
  • The text adheres to the technical and content-related requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.

"Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis.Studia Historicolitteraria"


List of requirements for the submitted manuscript, technical and content-related

I. Academic article
• Text volume of up to 40 000 characters including spaces (including bibliography, abstracts and keywords).
• On a separate page, please provide the following information:

title/degree, first name and surname
name of the institution represented
email, residential address (data for the editor).

• Title of the article centred, Times New Roman 14 pt, bold.
• Text – Times New Roman font 12 points, spacing between lines 1.5.
• Margin 2.5 cm, paragraph 1.0 cm.
• In case the paper is financed by a grant, please inform us in the form of a footnote.
• Italics must be used in the titles of literary works, books, articles, films, music, television and radio programmes, etc.
• Quotations included in the main text should be placed in quotation marks, longer quotations should be separated graphically – Times New Roman font 10 points, spacing between lines 1.0.
• Distinctions in the text (italics, bold) should be added manually, i.e. using icons or keyboard shortcuts.Please do not use automatic enumeration lists, point lists, autoformatting.
• When dividing the text, please use centred and bold subtitles (first word with capital letter), do not mark the subtitles with digits or letters.
• To the article the following should be attached in order: subject bibliography (template below), abstract (up to 1,500 characters with spaces) and keywords in Polish (3-5 words containing all relevant terms from the title of the article and abstract).
• For articles in congress languages, please add the title, abstract and keywords in Polish, as well as a summary in the original language and in Polish.
• The abstract should describe synthetically the aim, methodology and main theses of the paper, without reference to bibliographic items; it should be accompanied by short sentences that precisely define the issue contained in the article.
• The article should be delivered to the Editorial Office in an electronic version (.doc or .rtf format).

• Footnotes – Times New Roman font 10 points, automatically inserted at the bottom of the page by the "insert footnote" function, without any additional space after the footnote number.
According to the templates:

J. Bachórz, Jak pachnie na Litwie Mickiewicza i inne studia o romantyzmie, Gdańsk 2003, p. 35.
M. Wołk, Późne wtajemniczenie (O „Śmierci w Wenecji” Thomasa Manna), [w:] Z problemów prozy inicjacyjnej, ed. W. Gutowski i E. Owczarz, Toruń 2003, pp. 268-283.
J. Culler, Teoria literatury, transl. M. Bassaj, Warsaw 2002, p. 40.
A. Okopień-Sławińska, Sny i poetyka, „Teksty” 1972, no. 2, p. 8.

Please use Polish abbreviations:
- if the book or paper was quoted in the previous footnote: tamże.
- if the book was quoted earlier: dz. cit.

• If the text of the article is available on a website, the author, title, followed by the page from which the article was downloaded, and the date of access in round brackets (access: DD.MM.YYYY), in accordance with the template:
K. Domaradzki, Władcy elektryczności – Tesla kontra Edison, 2017, http://www.forbes.pl/wladcy-elektrycznosci-tesla-kontra-edison,artykuly,209537,1,1.h (access: 2.01.2017).

•Alphabetical arrangement; items following the template: name and initials of the author, – the title and subtitle in italics, – the publishing address (place and year of publication). In the case of an article, please state: Author's surname and initials, – title in italics, – title of the journal in quotation marks or academic series, – year of publication, – number of the volume or notebook, – preceded by an abbreviation
Tables, figures, drawings, graphs, etc. please attach in separate files.In the text on the left margin, please mark the places where tables, figures, charts, etc. should be placed.
Photographs should be technically impeccable.On the back, they should be numbered in pencil.Scans and digital photos should be in TIFF or JPG format, saved in a separate file on a medium (CD, DVD).Vector graphics – preferred programs:CorelDraw and CDR formats and Adobe Illustrator – and Ai, EPS or PDF formats (editable).

II. Review article (academic review)
• Text volume up to 20,000 characters with spaces.
• On a separate page, please provide the following information:

title/degree, first name and surname
name of the institution represented
email, residential address (data for the editor).

• Title of the article centred, Times New Roman 14 pt, bold.
• Text – Times New Roman font 12 points, spacing between lines 1.5.
• Margin 2.5 cm, paragraph 1.0 cm.
• Full bibliographic description of the book reviewed, font Times New Roman 14 points, aligned to the left;
for author's books: name and surname of the author(s), title in italics, name of the publisher, place and year of publication, number of pages; for multi-author monographs: title in italics, name and surname of the editor(s), name of the publisher, place and year of publication, page numbers.
• Text content
– information about the author(s) of the peer-reviewed publication and their academic specialisation;
– definition of the character of the publication reviewed (collective work, monograph, collection of texts);
–indication of the purpose of the reviewed paper adopted by the author, determination of its legitimacy on the basis of the state of research and known research methods;
–characteristics of the sources included in the article, especially the indication of the sources used for the first time, as well as the manner and scope of their use;
–characteristics of the research method(s) used in the paper, legitimacy of their selection for a given subject and scope of research, possible methodological innovation;
– embedding of the reviewed paper in the current state of research, and especially indicating new research areas taken into account by the author, the most important differences between the reviewed paper and publications of other authors, explaining the positions in the event that the paper is part of anacademic dispute;
– critical presentation of the construction of the paper, with particular emphasis on logical considerations and the substantive links between its various parts;
– critical presentation of the most important and most controversial statements of the author, especially the determination whether: a) these statements are innovative, revealing or opening new fields of research, or duplicate already known findings and schemes of explanations; b) the statements of the author are justified according to accepted standards, in a full manner; c) remain only hypotheses, and if so, whether their degree of probability deserves to be included in the academic narrative.
• Editorial requirements: as above.
• In the case of quotes from the reviewed paper, their location (page number) should be given in round brackets after the quotation marks.

Authors of texts accepted for publication should, within 14 days from the date of information on their acceptance, send a declaration on the originality of the article and a completed and signed agreement with the Publications Office of the Pedagogical University to the editorial office.
The editorial office declares that it will counteract all attempts at academic unreliability. Persons engaging in plagiarism or ghostwriting and guest authorship will be subject to appropriate ethical and legal consequences.

The editorial staff reserves the right to make abbreviations and changes in submitted texts. The editors have three months to inform the author about the acceptance or non-acceptance of the text.

Our journal does not charge publications fees and does not pay for submitted articles.