Krakow? Jerusalem? Problems with space, time and identity in Ryszard Krynicki’s poem "Tak, jestem"

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Jakub Kozaczewski


The article is an attempt at analyzing and interpreting one of the latest and most important poems by Ryszard Krynicki Tak, jestem. A special consideration has been given to three problem areas in the poem: time, space and identity. The author concludes that the poem is a kind of summary of the artistic career of the poet, particularly in the context of identity: as a reconciliation with his own poetic vocation and its consequences. He emphasizes the significant role of equalizing the fate of poets with persecuted Jews in this process, which was accomplished by Marina Cwietajewa. He discusses an original and personal approach to this painful topic against the background of European and Polish artists, who are close to Krynicki.


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How to Cite
Kozaczewski, J. (2023). Krakow? Jerusalem? Problems with space, time and identity in Ryszard Krynicki’s poem "Tak, jestem". Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis | Studia Historicolitteraria, 23, 417–428.


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