Some preliminary remarks for the study of Polish Francophonie and Francography
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The article offers an overview of Polish Francophonie and Francography. Adopting a historical perspective, the author examines both the factors that contributed to the spread of French in Poland and those that conditioned the choice of this language as a tool of literary expression by a certain number of Polish authors. Basing on individual examples, he tries to restore the collective logic that motivated this choice. The factors identified are the importance of multilingualism in Poland, the extent of the diffusion of French among the Polish social elite, the influence of political events such as the Revolution, the Napoleonic Wars or the numerous Polish insurrections of the 19th century, which encouraged the emigration of many Poles to French-speaking countries, the cultural influence of France, but also, especially in the 20th and 21st centuries, the problematic
relationship with Polish of certain authors of Jewish origin after the Shoah, the possibility of using French as a “secret language” to address social taboos or even that of aesthetically exploiting its particularities (e.g. phonetics).
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