Трансформация культурных ценностей в России. Зарисовка проблематики

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Mikołaj Mazuś


The transformation of cultural values in Russia. An outline of the issue of culture in the broadest sense of the world is the entirety of various manifestations of human life. Therefore it is one of the most commonly used concepts in humanistic works. One can refer to culture by raising a number of topics - arts, literature and human mind. When there is a need for a precise definition of culture, certain problems occur. Polish scholar Bronisław Malinowski points out that culture can be understood as human activity in general, including ideas, religious and spiritual issues, art, literature, and politics. Such an approach to culture can lead to the neglection of the historical process. The subject of the present study are selected religious pieces from the period of tsar Peter I.

Key words: Russia; Peter I; history vs. literature; Eastern Orthodox Church;


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How to Cite
Mazuś, M. (2016). Трансформация культурных ценностей в России. Зарисовка проблематики. Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis | Studia Historicolitteraria, 16, 35–49. https://doi.org/10.24917/20811853.16.3


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