Pory roku Petara Alipieva

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Antoniya Velkova-Gaydarzhieva


The seasons of Peter Alipiev

Peter Alipiev is a fine example of the poetic emblems of the 1960s. Man and nature translate and express themselves. The poetic world of P. Alipiev is unified, round, fundamental. The four seasons, each of them magical, concern a great number of his texts. Different aspects and transformations of life are captured through the use of various seasons. However, human nature is expressed in a wide spectre of emotional states and philosophical thought. The most important season for Alipievs sensitivity is autumn. Nature in P. Alipievs poetry is seen through human eyes. Pictures of nature express existential wisdom. This poetry is quiet and still. There is sorrow, but also thirst for life - of man and bird, of old man and grass, of child and bee.

Key words: Petar Alipiev; poetry; sesons; Bulgarian literature;


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How to Cite
Velkova-Gaydarzhieva, A. (2016). Pory roku Petara Alipieva. Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis | Studia Historicolitteraria, 16, 50–60. https://doi.org/10.24917/20811853.16.4


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