Za kulisami sądu. Ugo Betti, "Trąd w pałacu sprawiedliwości" ("Corruzione al Palazzo di Giustizia")

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Krystyna Latawiec


Behind the scenes of Court. Ugo Betti, Corruzione al Palazzo di Giustizia


The article concerns the Polish reception of Ugo Betti’s drama Corruzione al Palazzo di Giustizia.It presents the comparison of the two performances: the theatrical one, directed by MariaWiercińska (1958), and the television one, directed by Gustaw Holoubek (1970). The firstspectacle was determined by the political context in post-Stalinist times, the second wasconcentrated on moral conflicts and personal attitudes. Both performances searched for ananswer to the question about the meaning of justice.

Keywords: Ugo Betti, Polish theatre, reception, television performance, justice


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How to Cite
Latawiec, K. (2017). Za kulisami sądu. Ugo Betti, "Trąd w pałacu sprawiedliwości" ("Corruzione al Palazzo di Giustizia"). Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis | Studia Historicolitteraria, 17, 159–170.
Studies and dissertations


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Betti U., Trąd w pałacu sprawiedliwości, przeł. J. Pasenkiewicz, reż. G. Holoubek, Teatr Telewizji, 1970,, [dostęp: 9.08.2017].