Świat onimiczny sagi o wiedźminie Andrzeja Sapkowskiego w przekładzie na język włoski

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Artur Gałkowski


The onymic world in the Andrzej Sapkowski’s saga of the Witcher, translated into Italian


The paper presents the results of the analysis of the names in Italian translation of AndrzejSapkowski’s fantasy saga series about The Witcher, and the video game inspired by it. The author of the article distinguishes tendencies in the applied translation mechanismsappropriate for the literary and video game space. He discusses the representative rangesof names associated with characters, places, and other objects individually identified in TheWitcher’s story. He also details the motivation for the translation and unsuccessful choicesthat affect some of the translations of The Witcher’s onymy into Italian.

Keywords: Andrzej Sapkowski, fantasy, The Witcher, onymy, literary onomastics, translation


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How to Cite
Gałkowski, A. (2017). Świat onimiczny sagi o wiedźminie Andrzeja Sapkowskiego w przekładzie na język włoski. Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis | Studia Historicolitteraria, 17, 210–219. https://doi.org/10.24917/20811853.17.18
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