Military representations in Tadeusz Kudliński's prose
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The view of Europe betweeen 19th and 20th centuries was shaped mainly by militarism. It is confirmed by the works of Michael Howard, Ian F.W. Beckett, Martin van Creveld, and also material culture, which is the heritage of those times. Architecture, technology, as well assculptures and paintings created shortly before the First World War are an illustration of how Polish literature reacted to the conflict of 1914-1918. In Tadeusz Kudliński’s novel Smak świata, where the main character is an officer of the Austro-Hungarian artillery, the world is dominated by machines: railway, telephone etc. According to Bjonar Olsen, those things represent material culture in the view of Tim Dant, allowing the main character to keep his identity. The collection of essays Młodości mej stolica. Wspomnienia krakowianina między wojnami provide the reader with a historical view of the war in the Carpathian Mountains and on the Italian front.
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