Langue du travail et travail de la langue: l’exemple de deux francophones ouvriers
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In literature, labour is a topic as marginal as the Forgotten Francophones. Multidisciplinary subject, labour brings together literary, philosophical, political and socio-economic questions. This combination of disciplinaries is conducive to the decenter status of the Forgotten Francophonie. Forced to hit the road et idolizing the French literary culture, labour authors and Francophonie authors intersect with each other. Through their irregular position, with a literature of the “side step”, the language of work and the work with language go hand in hand and rejuvenate of the French literature. Jean Malaquais and Panaït Istrati create innovative works, ethically and esthetically speaking, by an entanglement of the authenticity of their experience, of poetic and labour. Where national proletarian literature sometimes turns to chauvinism, the Francophone labour
literature tries to represent labour et to give voices to the working-classes, in an international and corporal way. The analyzes of the connections between the poetic language and the labour theme in 'Les Javanais' (Jean Malaquais, 1939) and in the 'Cycle of Adrien Zograffi' (Panaït Istrati,1924–1933), because of the iterativity, the multilingualism and the realism renewal, enable us
to think back on their place in the literary French field of the interwar period.
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