Spuścizna audiowizualna Jerzego Ficowskiego w zasobie Narodowego Archiwum Cyfrowego

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Katarzyna Kalisz


Audio-visual legacy of Jerzy Ficowski found in the National Digital Archives

The National Digital Archives stores the audio-visual contents of Jerzy Ficowski’s legacy - photos, audio recordings, and films. The most numerous type of data found there are photographs. Many of the photos are representative of Ficowski’s research interests. There are Gypsy photos (especially those taken by him while traveling in Gypsy caravans), Judaica, photos regarding Witold Wojtkiewicz and Bruno Schultz (particularly those taken by Jerzy Ficowski during his stay at Drohobych), photos taken by Ficowski as illustrations for „Karty z raptularza”, portraits and photos of Jerzy Ficowski himself and of his family. As far as audio recordings are considered, there are private records, monologues, radio interviews, Judaica, and recordings of poetry readings. Another important preserved form of Ficowski’s legacy are films of his family, recorded between 1930 and 1936, records of performances, klezmer concerts, poetry readings, video relation of the ceremony of awarding him with the “Man of Borderland” title, and drafts for film of Paweł Woldan “Amulety i definicje” (1998).

Key words: audio-visual legacy; legacy; photography; film; audio recordings; Cyganiana; Karty z raptularza; Amulety i definicje;


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Как цитировать
Kalisz, K. (2016). Spuścizna audiowizualna Jerzego Ficowskiego w zasobie Narodowego Archiwum Cyfrowego. Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis | Studia Historicolitteraria, 16, 263–269. https://doi.org/10.24917/20811853.16.20