"Wszystko już tu było, od samego początku" - "Mikrokosmosy" Claudia Magrisa jako triesteńska auto/bio/geografia

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Natalia Chwaja


„It was all there already, from the beginning” - Microcosms by Claudio Magris as a Triestineauto/bio/geography


The aim of my article is to study the relation between the subject and the city, focusing on thecase of an autobiographic essayistic novel by a contemporary Italian writer Claudio Magris.The space of Trieste, author’s native city, plays a multiple role in the Microcosms narration.On one hand, it works as a “mnemotechnical pretext” for the protagonist’s sentimentaljourney into the past, both individual and collective. On the other hand, the city space canbe seen as an active factor, shaping the hero’s “triestine” state of mind and reflecting itself inthe novel’s poetics. In my analysis, I refer to some essential categories of geopoetics (“auto/bio/geography” by Elżbieta Rybicka, Tadeusz Sławek’s and Stefan Symotiuk’s interpretationsof genius loci), as well as to Walter Benjamin’s oeuvre, which I consider one of the mostimportant Microcosms’ intertexts.

Keywords: Claudio Magris, Trieste, city, auto/bio/geography, space, genius loci


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Как цитировать
Chwaja, N. (2017). "Wszystko już tu było, od samego początku" - "Mikrokosmosy" Claudia Magrisa jako triesteńska auto/bio/geografia. Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis | Studia Historicolitteraria, 17, 183–199. https://doi.org/10.24917/20811853.17.16
Исследования и диссертации

Библиографические ссылки

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