Polski krytyk teatralny Andrzej Wirth– mistrz przemieszczania się i jego rola w kształtowaniu nowego oblicza teatru w Niemczech
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Andrzej Wirth, a 20th century Polish essayist, philosopher and theatre critic, is one of the often forgotten theatre and drama scholars in Poland, perhaps due to his long life in exile. A recognized expert in theatre studies and philosophy, he has lectured at many universities around the world, especially in the United States and Europe. He gained particular recognition as the founder and director of the Institute for Applied Theatre Studies at the University of Giessen in Germany. The aim of this article is to introduce Wirth’s personality, outline his life between cultures and highlight his importance for the development of theatre studies in Germany, as well as his great contribution to the promotion of Polish literature in Germany in the mid-20th century. Andrzej Wirth’s life was beyond borders and divisions, although with a particular attachment to the culture of his homeland and Germany; he was rooted in childhood memories and a desire for theatre as a liberated art in an age of evolving media technologies.
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Modernes Polnisches Theater 1. Witkiewicz, Szaniawski, Kruczkowski, Gobrowicz, red. A. Wirth, Neuwied 1967.
Modernes Polnisches Theater 2. Różewicz, Broszkiewicz, Mrożek, Abramow, Grochowiak, Iredyński, red. A. Wirth, Neuwied 1967.
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Wirth A., Byle dalej. Autobiografia mówiona i materiały, red. T. Irmer, przeł. M. Borowski, A.R. Burzyńska, M. Leyko, M. Sugiera, Leipzig, Warszawa 2014.
Wirth A., Teatr, jaki mógłby być, Warszawa 1964.
Wirth A., Theaterkulturen in Deutschland und Polen. Konvergenzen und Unterschiede, [w:] Ein schwieriger Dialog. Polnisch-deutsch-österreichische Theaterkontakte nach 1945, red. M. Sugiera, Kraków 2000, s. 27–36.