On 'Polska pieśń niepodległa' by Jan Lorentowicz

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Renata Stachura-Lupa


The paper presents the work of Jan Lorentowicz Polska pieśń niepodległa, published before Poland regained its independence (fragments published in 1915/1916 (no. 1-2), a separate publication of the whole - 1917). This work is among those texts written by Lorentowicz which have been forgotten. Nevertheless, it is the evidence of the critic’s erudition, literateness and passion for patriotic poetry, as well as a depiction of social mood during the Great War. According to Lorentowicz, an independence song is inspired by collective experiences - of servitude, conspiracy and national liberation uprisings - shared by subsequent generations of Polish poets and poetry readers. It is a testimony of an ‘irrepressible’ Polish spirit, the faith of the nation in regaining independence and existing against all odds; it is also a record of its fight and martyrdom.


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Stachura-Lupa , R. . (2018). On ’Polska pieśń niepodległa’ by Jan Lorentowicz. Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis | Studia Historicolitteraria, 18, 75–85. https://doi.org/10.24917/20811853.18.6
Studies and dissertations


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