Entre la présence et l’absence: l’écriture de l’enracinerrance de Bruno Durocher et Piotr Rawicz
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Bruno Durocher and Piotr Rawicz are now known (or not) as French writers. However, it was only after surviving concentration camps (Mauthausen and Auschwitz) that they decided to leave their hometowns, Cracow and Lviv, to emigrate to France and change – to French – their language of artistic expression. It was, of course, not only an artistic decision, but also an identity
strategy that correlates physical emigration with emigration from the language. Both “uprooted” and “stateless”, they develop these identity strategies differently and represent them in opposing ways in their literary works. Placed between languages, cultures, and identities, these works are marked by routes, displacements, and wanderings. The present study aims to analyze the linguistic, testimonial and literary choices of two writers and see how, through their biographical and scriptural trajectories, they face their condition of the perpetual stranger, condemned to the state of – as formulates it Jean-Claude Charles – “enracinerrance”.
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