SocGoldoni. “Il servitore di due padroni” nell’interpretazione di Krystyna Skuszanka

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Paulina Kwaśniewska-Urban


The following paper is devoted to the performance of Carlo Goldoni’s comedy The Servant of Two Masters, which was staged in Teatr Ludowy (the Ludowy Theatre) in Nowa Huta. The play, which was directed by Krystyna Skuszanka, is set in the history of the Polish reception of Goldoni’s comedy. The analysis of remarks and comments, which were published by Polish reviewers who watched the play in Nowa Huta in 1957, as well as Italian reviewers who saw the performance a few months later in the Venetian Biennale, is an attempt at showing some basic discrepancies regarding the reception of the play and answering the question about the cause of such differences. In such a short form it is not possible to investigate all the intricacies of reading Goldoni in Poland in the period 50s-60s from an anti-ideological perspective, or to determine a broader historical-cultural context. The paper is only a section of in-depth research conducted by the author.


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Kwaśniewska-Urban , P. . (2019). SocGoldoni. “Il servitore di due padroni” nell’interpretazione di Krystyna Skuszanka. Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis | Studia Historicolitteraria, 19, 194–208.
Исследования и диссертации

Библиографические ссылки

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